Sunday, September 29, 2013

Throw The Bums Out!

Now, we know where everyone stands, and now, we know what we have to do next year.  We have to vote Representatives Ribble and Petri out of office.  They have shown that they are part of the problem and can never be part of a solution. Last night, both of them voted with the radical rightist crazies in the house to hold the government hostage to their extremist views on The Affordable Care Act. 
The latest insanity passed by the House of Representatives promoted a year-long delay in the implementation of the central parts of the act and tried to repeal one of the means of paying for it: the tax on medical devices.  Ribble and Petri cast their votes in favor of this nuttiness in spite of knowing that the bill they supported stood no change of being passed in the Senate.  Their vote was a clear vote for shutting down the government.  They will of course say that if the president and the Democrats in the Senate weren’t so stubborn, the government wouldn’t have to shut down, but that is disingenuous: they knew what they were doing.

The Affordable Care Act is not perfect. It has problems that will need to be fixed, but it is one of the best things that have been done in Washington for many years. It will provide a way for millions of  people to have health insurance, and in the long run, it will help  to bring down the cost of health care in the United States.  That is why the radical rightists in Washington are so afraid of it. They're afraid it will work, and they're willing to shut down the government rather than allow that to happen.

If we want to have a rational government instead of a government that is held hostage by radical rightest ideologues, we have to vote Ribble and Petri out of office in 2014. 

If we want to have a government that is   responsive to the people and works to solve the real problems of our time, we have to vote Ribble and Petri out of office in 2014.

During the next 12 months, we have to devote ourselves to the cause of getting rid of Ribble and  Petri.  Of course, merely getting rid of two congressmen won’t solve the problem People all over the country must work with us: Republican legislators who voted with the radical rightist crazies must be thrown out of office.

The campaign starts today. Let’s get busy!


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