The Grifter in Chief Will Cut Medicaid to Give Tax Cuts to Billionaires
Last week, under pressure from the Grifter-in-Chief (GC) in the White House, the House of Representatives passed a budget resolution that envisions enormous tax cuts for billionaires that will be paid for by cuts in the Medicaid and food assistance programs that many of Grifter’s supporters depend on. That is to say that the Grifter will stiff his working class supporters in order to give money to his billionaire supporters. Medicaid is a tempting target because it is big. As a recent New York Times article said,
Once considered a poor people’s program, Medicaid has proved itself a political juggernaut. Why? Start with the money. The Medicaid program spends about $900 billion a year in state and federal funds, paying for close to one-fifth of health care expenditures in the United States. The program is the primary payer for almost two-thirds of nursing home residents and funds just over 60 percent of long-term care.
A Clear Expression of the Confidence Game Played by the Grifter's Republicans
Cutting Medicaid would be a clear expression of the confidence game at the heart of the GC’s Republican Party. The Party serves the interests of oligarchic billionaires who want to reduce the taxes they pay and at the same time depends on the votes of white,working-class people many of whom depend on government programs like Medicaid or SNAP. The billionaires pay for Republican electoral campaigns, and the working-class people provide the votes. They do so because they are the victims of a confidence game in which they are promised benefits that the candidates do not intend to deliver. The voters are swindled.
In the most recent election, millions of working-class people voted for the GC because they believed that they were voting to “Make America Great Again.” They expected that groceries and housing would be cheaper. They expected that there would be more jobs in manufacturing. Some expected that millions of immigrants would be deported. These voters did not vote to lose their health insurance or their food. They did not expect that America would be great again only for billionaire oligarchs. These voters are being swindled.
In campaigning, the GC focused on the fears and hopes of his white,
working-class supporters. His campaign speeches were filled with promises to
deport millions of undocumented immigrants, to restore “family values,” to bring down the price of eggs and to
create lots of manufacturing jobs. In governing, on the other hand, the GC
focuses on the rewarding his billionaire supporters. He has Musk his Assistant Grifter eliminating
programs and firing thousands of government workers in order to reduce
government expenses enough to allow the taxes paid by the billionaires to be cut. The pretense is that the
cuts increase the efficiency of our government although there has been no effort to determine
which if any cuts would really increase its efficiency.
Some Republican legislators have already noticed that the Grifter-in-Chief wants to swindle their constituents in order to reward the billionaires. The legislators have gently voiced their
concern, but they have not yet found enough courage to oppose the GC directly.
Some legislators are concerned about job
losses in their districts, while others are concerned about cuts
to SNAP or Medicaid.
The Deficit Hawks Block the Way
The problem for the Grifter-in-Chief and his oligarchic friends is that the deficit hawks in Congress have made it clear that they will oppose his tax cuts unless they are balanced by cuts in federal spending, but cutting federal spending is not easy, especially when the GC wants to increase spending on military preparedness, on controlling the border and on deporting 11 million undocumented workers. He cannot reward oligarchs like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos without cutting federal spending substantially, and the only cuts available to him are firing lots of federal workers - which will do great harm to the economies of states like Idaho - and cutting programs like SNAP and Medicaid that his working class supporters depend on. In order to reward his billionaire friends, the GC will literally have to take health insurance away from hardworking Americans and take food away from hungry children. He will have to swindle his supporters, and of course, he has always known that.
Swindling Makes the Grifter in Chief Vulnerable
It appears that the GC will not hesitate to swindle his working-class supporters to reward his billionaire friends, but the swindling makes him vulnerable to attack both from Democrats and from
Republicans from swing districts. We should not hesitate to take advantage of the
GC’s vulnerability. Oppose the oligarchy! Attack the Grifter-in-Chief now and keep attacking!
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