Saturday, February 15, 2020

An Opportunity For Democrats

A Crack in the Republican Party

A crack is appearing in the Republican Party, and it creates an opportunity for Democrats. The contemporary Republican Party is an alliance between the radical rightist business Republicans on the one hand and the racist groups and cultural reactionaries who support the president on the other. In this alliance, the role of the racists and cultural reactionaries is to bring in the votes, and the role of the business Republicans is to pay the bills. Each party to the alliance is rewarded for its support: the racists get a wall at the southern border; the cultural reactionaries get defunding of Planned Parenthood; the business Republicans get a tax cut and the elimination of many environmental regulations; and they all get conservative judges.

The Interests of Republican Voters Are Threatened

This alliance has been very successful, but it is showing signs of strain because the tax-cutting doctrine of the radical rightist business Republicans has come into direct conflict with the economic interest of many racists and cultural reactionaries. The OTWH[i] has recently proposed sizeable cuts to Medicare and Social Security – programs on which many of his supporters depend. He has also proposed to eliminate a program of student loan forgiveness for people who enter the public service.

These proposals directly threaten the well-being of millions of Republican voters. Some of them may have voted Republican in the past because they were worried about immigration, others because they opposed abortion or gay marriage, but now, the Republicans are threatening their economic security. It is one thing to vote against immigration, abortion or gay marriage when you have no personal interest at stake, but it is quite another thing to do so in opposition to your own interests.

An Opportunity For Democrats

This is an opportunity for Democrats. We can drive in a wedge that will split the Republican alliance. If we can convince voters that the Republican Party is a danger to their well-being, some of them may decide to vote for Democrats. Not all Republicans will switch their votes, but we only need a few switchers to win in November. Elections are won by small margins. Let’s not miss this opportunity!

Let’s start a barrage of communication on this topic. Let’s stop moaning about what an awful person the OTWH is and focus our attention on the real concerns of the voters.

[i] Occupant of the White House.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, stop giving free publicity to DJT and enabling his divisiveness. We should focus on policy and plans, preserving what Americans have come to love.
