Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Tweet America Great Again?

 All Talk, No Action

Our president doesn’t believe in policy or action. He believes in tweeting and promising. The hallmark of his presidency is that he talks a lot but does very little. This is not an accident, and the reason for it is that his role is to be a front for the business Republicans. They support him because he provides camouflage for the real policies of the Republican Party, which are low taxes and reduced regulation, especially environmental regulation. 

Camouflage for Republican Policies

The Republican Party needs the camouflage that Trump provides because low taxes and reduced regulation are not terribly popular among the regular Americans who vote in presidential elections. So, the party has had to find issues that can motivate voters to support Republican candidates. Law-and-order, fear of foreigners, and abortion have served the party well by drawing millions of voters into the Republican fold.

Whip Up People but Don’t Solve Problems

These issues have attracted voters to the Republican Party, but it has had to use the issues carefully because they can continue to motivate voters only as long as they are not resolved. If we had no unrest in our cities, there would be no law-and-order issue. If we actually excluded foreigners, fear of foreigners would cease to be a motivator. If abortion became illegal, it would no longer motivate voters to vote Republican. So, the Republican strategy has been to whip up voters’ concerns about these issues but not to do anything to resolve them, and Mr. Trump has been a perfect president for this purpose. He tweets; he puffs up his chest; he blames the Democrats; but he is careful not to propose solutions.

We can see this strategy in action in Trump’s response to the current disorder in our cities. He tweets continually. He and his supporters give apocalyptic speeches in which they predict that if Democrats are elected, no one will be safe in our country. He finds photo opportunities at scenes of disorder. He praises as patriots the white people who parade with guns. What he doesn’t do is offer solutions.  He doesn’t do anything to reduce the disorder.

He doesn’t offer solutions because he doesn’t want solutions. He wants to use the issue of law-and-order to get people to vote for him, and as Kellyanne Conway said, “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order.”

If You Want Change, Vote For Change

If Trump is elected again in November, nothing will change. The disorder will continue, and Trump will continue to tweet. If you want change, vote for change! Vote for Joe Biden in November.

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